The second round of the Urban X-Change Network starts with a Kick-off in Warsaw, Poland
On October 9th and 10th, 2024, eight partner organisations from Germany, Ukraine and Poland met in Warsaw for the kick-off of the Urban X-Change Network II project.
The project that started this summer and will run until the end of 2025. Building on existing town twinning, this time eight partner organisations have joined forces in a total of four partnerships to develop joint projects: four German “Volkshochschulen” (adult education centres) with two adult education institutions from Poland and two adult education institutions from Ukraine. The kick-off in Warsaw, organised by the Polish organisation ‘sTOP - NGO Trainers Association’, served as a prelude to developing joint ideas and getting to know each other personally for the first time.
The Urban X-Change Network enables adult education centers to take a leading role in shaping citizen diplomacy and to strengthen the dialogue on current foreign cultural and educational policy issues along town twinnings with the active participation of civil society. With that the project creates spaces for exchange and dialogue at local level, which are an important complement to bilateral relations, especially in times of crisis.
Find out more about the current partnerships of the Urban X-Change project here