Urban X-Change Network
About the project
Town twinning as a motor for international cultural and educational dialogue
How can international cooperation and mutual understanding be fostered in challenging political and diplomatic times? How can people from different countries be connected in order to build a basis for strong and durable international relations?
With increasing urbanization, cities and urban spaces are assuming greater importance in this context: they must find local and sustainable solutions to the global challenges of the 21st century and actively involve their citizens.
The town twinning partnerships are a motor in shaping an international cultural and educational dialogue. Adult education institutions are key actors in engaging citizens and civil society. As independent intercultural places of learning and encounter, they contribute to a lived social exchange and to a so-called “Foreign Policy of Societies” – a foreign policy that does not exclusively take place at the highest levels of government, but a policy that involves broad sections of the population in its activities, citizen diplomacy.
Expand town twinning and cooperation of cities through the active participation of their adult education institutions and civil society networks.
Connect people from various cities in Germany with people from cities in Ukraine and Poland.
Foster Citizen Diplomacy and involve people who otherwise rarely have their voices heard in foreign policy processes.
Foster multilateral exchange on existing challenges within the framework of the 2030 Agenda.
Strengthen the network of Ukrainian and Polish adult education institutions with German Adult Education Centres.
Creating a Curriculum Citizen Diplomacy, to offer support for adult education centers on how to actively engage in citizen diplomacy.
Fotograf: Valentin Paster
DVV International, the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association, is steering the overall project. The project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
City Partnerships: The adult education institutions, representatives of the city administrations and civil society of both cities in the partnership form a binational coordination group to implement commonly agreed activities in both cities.
The City Partnerships are accompanied by external programme managers throughout the implementation of the project.
Curriculum Citizen Diplomacy
The work of the partnerships is complemented by the development of a curriculum on the topic of Citizen Diplomacy. This curriculum will use findings of the first and the second project to empower German adult education centers to actively engage in citizen diplomacy, use town twinning for internationalisation and involve citizens and civil society in transnational projects.
About DVV international
DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. DVV represents the interests of the approximately 900 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen) and their state associations, the largest further education providers in Germany.
As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult education and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to supporting lifelong learning for more than 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for Youth and Adult Education.