Urban X-Change Network

About the project

Global challenges do not stop at national borders and can only be solved through joint, transnational cooperation – both at the political and societal level. The Urban X-Change Network offers four German Adult Education Centres (Volkshochschulen) and their counterparts in Ukraine and Poland the opportunity to carry out cross-border cultural and educational activities in close cooperation with their respective city administration and local civil society. The thematic framework is set by the 2030 Agenda and current foreign policy topics.

Read more about the Urban X-Change Network

Announcement of the 3rd Rita-Süssmuth Award for the International Adult Education Centre 2025

In 2025, the ‘Rita-Süssmuth Award for the International Adult Education Centre’ will once again be awarded as part of the Urban X-Change Network project and funded by the Federal Foreign Office (AA) under the motto ‘International Partnerships to Strengthen Democracy and Participation’.

The award recognises adult education centres that:

  • help shape the future of their communities with internationally orientated strategies, concepts and ideas, and/or
  • integrate international and intercultural references into their programme offerings and organisational culture, and/or
  • facilitate the exchange of knowledge between adult education institutions worldwide through international partnerships, field trips, consultancy assignments and other activities.

Prof Dr Rita Süssmuth, who gave the award its name, was President of the German Adult Education Association (DVV) for 27 years. She is now Honorary President of the Association and continues to advocate for the interests of adult education in a national, European and international context.
Interested Volkshochschulen can apply until 14 February 2025.

Application form and more informations

News and Stories

Urban X-Change Network - pt. II

Welcome to the Urban X-Change II project - a unique endeavour combining citizen diplomacy, town twinning and adult education centres (Volkshochschulen). This project is a continuation of our commitment to intercultural exchange and the promotion of understanding and co-operation, this time between 4 cities in Germany, Ukraine and Poland.
Just as in the first project (2021-2023), new city partnerships will be established, who are working together on local solutions and contributions to overcoming existential global challenges.

As part of the Urban X-Change II project, we are developing a citizen diplomacy curriculum with materials and guidance to empower adult education centres to actively engage in citizen diplomacy, use town twinning for internationalisation and involve citizens and civil society in transnational projects. Town twinnings and adult education centres play a central role in this by creating spaces for encounters and providing the organisational basis for this exchange.

Especially in these challenging times, strengthening our cross-border friendships is of great importance. Through mutual understanding and cooperation, we want to build bridges and contribute to a more peaceful and united world.

We would like to thank all former and new participants and partner organisations already for their commitment and look forward to inspiring encounters and fruitful cooperation as part of the Urban X-Change II project.

Urban X-Change Network

Liza Warncke

Senior Desk Officer
Urban X-Change Network

Phone: +4922897569-138

Janna Schriegel

Project Assistant
Urban X-Change Network

Phone: +4922897569-65

Anne Testrut

Administrative Officer
Urban X-Change Network

Phone: +4922897569-444